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A member registered Jul 11, 2020

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Fun concept and great presentation! It's interesting how the maps overlay, and you kind of create your own levels using pre-defined chunks. It's neat swapping parts on and off on the fly.

I wanted to mention that it's hard on my wrist to hold Shift and A or D at the same time--I'm not sure if I have misunderstood how the player's hand is supposed to lay on the keyboard. It's also pretty tricky to navigate the mouse while Alya is sailing over a bottomless pit (I wonder if hotkeys would be better for this sort of thing). It is also difficult to read exactly when Alya will clip up on top of a platform or get pushed out to the side of it.

Anyway. Hopefully I'm not missing the point. Thank you for sharing this game!

The art direction is great, as the others have mentioned. From what I can tell, there aren't any cancels, so every move really counts. I'm curious to see where this goes.

I do wonder if this stands well enough on its own without the gun. Maybe it's too early to say for sure, but the melee strike, dodge move, and jump already create some varied gameplay. That said, the kickback on firing the gun in the air is a neat touch.